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Rotator Cuff ExpertI have little doubt that over the years I have become a rotator cuff expert. Can’t say I started out that way! It certainly wasn’t a passion of mine growing up. Like most boys and young men I wanted to be a footballer / fireman / astronaut ………………… feel free to pick your own dream. Mine was most definitely football! So how did this happen to me? Why am I sitting here talking to you about my rotator cuff, about your rotator cuff? Why do I care? Why am I not a footballer? (actually that’s easy ………. I sucked!!!) It is a long story but it is probably because I was rubbish at football that I ended up talking to you now. I was a hopeless tackler! I loved to run with the ball but I just couldn’t tackle. My granny used to tell me I “probably couldn’t tackle a fish supper”, never mind an opponent. So one day the inevitable happened. I injured my shoulder and suffered a rotator cuff tear. I have spent the next 20 + years dealing with the fallout from that one moment and in the process have become a pseudo rotator cuff expert.
Steve Kaiser - The Self Proclaimed Rotator Cuff Expert - LoL Hi, my name is Steve Kaiser and it is important to know you are not alone. There are thousands of people with rotator cuff pain and weakness, who have suffered a rotator cuff tear or face rotator cuff surgery. My aim is to help you and as many others as possible recover as completely as possible.
He is now adamant his shoulder is stronger than ever and that he is a better player. Guess what? The same applies to me and could just as easily apply to you if you listen to a legit rotator cuff expert. Now, I am not a rotator cuff expert in the conventional sense. I am not a rotator cuff professor or rotator cuff surgeon. I am not medically trained. I am just a man with a torn rotator cuff who has spent the last twenty + years looking for answers. Good news is I found a few!! What do I know and how do I know it? What I have learned along the way is a vast amount of knowledge relating to the rotator cuff. More importantly however I have listened to so many people tell me their story. Theory is great, knowledge is important but the most crucial thing is how all that learning relates to you and me as people, as individuals. Taking the time to listen has given me a fantastic insight into rotator cuff problems. That is where I believe “the system” falls down. Too many of us with any sort of rotator cuff tear or tendonitis or rotator cuff weakness are short changed. Too many doctors are too busy to fully diagnose and treat rotator cuff problems. Too much reliance on “just rest it and see how it goes” or “take a few pain killers” or “take a few anti inflammatory drugs” ………………. Blah, blah, blah!! People just get fobbed off. In the vast majority of cases, no matter what the actual problem is, rotator cuff exercises are the answer. In the majority of people with a rotator cuff problem one of the major causes will be muscle weakness and inactivity. Simply reverse that and you have a cure. OK, a tear may not heal but it will stop hurting and the resulting weakness can be overcome. All this can be achieved naturally, healthily, cheaply, in your own time, in your own home. I know this to be true because I have done it. I am healthy, stronger than ever, pain free and have been for ten years+. Not only that but I have now helped countless others achieve the same result. You really can benefit too! Yes it will take time, dedication and some work but IT IS worth it!! I have done this with just a little time doing rotator cuff exercises every couple of days. I am not in the gym pumping iron for hours on end; that is not what I am about at all. Just straightforward rotator cuff exercises and stretches is truly all it takes. Why am I writing this? Why am I writing this, easy, because learning wasn’t enough for me. What is the point of becoming an expert on anything and not using the knowledge you have gained? There isn’t a point; it would just be crass and selfish. I am writing this website to pass on the information I have learned about the rotator cuff. I have actually learned a little more as I have researched certain topics and have thoroughly enjoyed the experience. Some of the information went into great scientific detail and I have attempted to break it down so everyone can follow it easily. I hope I succeeded in that as I truly want to ensure everyone can learn from this website. This is not my website it is yours! I truly mean that. Please get in touch if you want. Tell me your story, your experiences, what went well and what went badly. It is only by sharing all this great information that we can truly move towards helping each other. Let me know if there is something I should include, something I should update, something I got wrong or didn’t explain too well. Get involved; sign up for the mini course packed with more great tips. Let me know what you think. After all I may be a self proclaimed rotator cuff expert but I can always learn more!! Stay Healthy Steve
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